Author: Unknown

Edition:  1st

Format:  Oval softcover

Pages:  16          

Language:  Ukrainian

Illustrations: cover only

Publisher:  Новий Друк

Availability:  unknown

Acquired:  gift

This small booklet was produced and distributed by the charitable organization “Ukrainian Family.”  It is a lovely little introduction to Ukraine folk traditions surrounding the Easter holiday.  There are short descriptions of Palm SUnday, The WHite Week, CLean Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Saturday and Sunday traditions, as well as instructions on pysanka-making and a brief introduction to symbolism.  There are descriptions of Easter games, some poems and haivky, and information on the Easter basket and paska. 

It is a lovely little book, and would have made a lovely gift for any child.


Христос Воскрес!

Христос воскрес! Радійте, діти,

Біжіть у поле, у садок.

Збирайте зіллячко і квіти,

Кладіть на Божій хрест вінок!

Нехай бринять і пахнуть квіти,

Нехай почує Божий рай,

Як на землі радіють діти

І звеселують рідний край.

На вас погляне Божа Мати,

Радіючи з святихх небес....

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Христос Воскрес!

Christ is Risen