The Tree of Life, the Sun, the Goddess

Symbolic Motifs in Ukrainian Folk Art

Author:  Lubow K. Wolynetz

Edition:  1st

Format:  Large paperback

Pages:  168          

Language:  Bilingual (English and Ukrainian)

Illustrations:  Many color photos

Publisher: Ukrainian Museum (New York, 2005)

Availability:  museum website

Acquired:  from museum website

ISBN: 0-9660621-2-4

This book is actually the catalog for an exhibit at the Ukrainian Museum of New York on symbolism in Ukrainian folk art.  As such, it is well illustrated and well written.

The first half of the book consists of three essays: “The Tree of Life in Ukrainian Folk Art and Tradition” (Lyubov Wolynetz), “The Sun Motif in Ukrainian Folk Art” (Lyudmyla Bulhakova-Sytnyk), and “Goddess Figures in Ukrainian Folk Art” (Natalie Kononenko). All are well written, informative, and have accompanying illustrations.

The second half of the book is the catalog itself, with photos of objects from the exhibit.  The photos are in full color and high quality.  There is included a full listing of all the objects that were included in the exhibit (with provenance and descriptions).

My only complaint is with the actual physical quality of the book.  The spine cracked in several places the first time I opened it, and now there are huge fissures. I fear it is only a matter of time before I start losing pages.  I haven’t scanned anything from the book, except the cover, for this reason.

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