Pysanka Galleries

Student Works


The pysanky on these pages were made by my students during my classes.  They are from classes at my brother’s house, at camps in Ukraine, or at our Ukrainian school.

Look at and enjoy them all.  Click on underlined words and phrases to go to those pages.

Kids:  Pysanky made by my nieces and nephew and their cousins and friends, as well as some of my friends, during classes at my brother’s house in Troy.

Friends:  Pysanky made by my adult friends during classes.

Pokrova:  Pysanky made by the children of the Lesia Ukrainka School at St. Mary’s (Pokrova) church.  These include pysanky made from 2007 on, because that is when I began emptying and varnishing them for the kids.

Tabir:  Pysanky made during summer camps in Ukraine.  The participants in these classes included students from Ukrainian orphanages, older student volunteers, and adult staff.

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Student Pysanky