“Square” Stars


“Square” Stars

Square stars are stars that are based on a square.  They are eight-pointed (always), and a bit blocky looking.  They are also the most common star found on pysanky, and the easiest to draw and master.

(Note: the instructions that follow are for making the pencil guidelines for the patterns.  New lines for each step are in red.  Not all of these lines will be waxed in.  Waxing is usually shown only in the final step(s), and the lines to be waxed – several options may be given – are indicated.)

There are several ways to make an eight-pointed star, but the simplest is one that is based on a square or a diamond, often in a band like this:


You start with a square, and divide it with pencil lines into three sections:


Now divide into nine sections by adding two more  lines:

Add a guide lines dividing the square into halves:

Now draw in the points as shown:

You have the basic architecture of a star.  It is now time to write in the star with wax.  If you do so, you will get this star:

To create stars in diamonds, just tip everything 45°!

Stars based on squares or diamonds, such as the ones above, are relatively easy to make, and are probably the most common ones found on pysanky.  Once you have mastered the basic pattern, you can draw them in quickly with wax, using only minimal (or no) guide lines.


(You can download the current version of this information in printable form by clicking here.)

This page updated 12-30-2011.

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