Traditional Hutsul beadwork

My Sources

I have used numerous sources of the traditional designs I have recreated on the following pages.  I didn’t keep track very well when I first started, so some of the pysanky may not have attributions.  I have tried, though, to indicate the source of each design, including page or plate numbers when appropriate. I have also included the traditional name of each pysanka and its village/raion/oblast of origin (when known). 

When there is more than one source for each design, I have attributed it to the first published source that I have for it.

The books and other publications listed below are some of the sources for the designs of my traditional pysanky.  I have listed them in chronological order.  On my web pages I have included notations of the source of the pattern (when known), using the abbreviations below, and including the table/page number and pysanka number (where applicable).

ПП:  Елиїв, Зенон.  Пластова Пошта: Українські Писанки (Plast Poshta: A set of 45 Ukrainian

         Easter Egg stamps) Rochester, NY: Lito-Druk 1959

ЕБ:  Біняшевський, Ераст.  Українська Писанка  1968

SV:  Veronica, Sr.  Pysanky: Herkunft und Bedeutung der ukrainischen Ostereier (Pysanka: Origin

         and meaning of the Ukrainian Easter Eggs)  Berne:  Verlag Paul Haupt, 1982

ОО:  Онищук, Одарка.  Символіка Української Писанки (Symbolism of the Ukrainian Pysanka) 

         Toronto: Harmony Printing, Ltd., 1985

ПМ:  Markovyc, Pavlo.  Rusyn Easter Eggs from Eastern Slovakia  Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller

         Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung Gmbh.  1987

ПЧ:  Мицик, Вадим  та Фусин, Олесь (illustrator).  Писанки Черкащини (Pysanky of Cherkashchyna)     

         Київ: «Свічадо», 1992

СЗ:  Зєлик, Марта.  Пише Писанки Бабиня, Пише Мама, Пишу Я  Київ: «ДіПоР»,  1992   (Pysanky

         by Sofia Zielyk  “My Grandmother Writes Pysanky, My Mother Writes Them, and I Write Them”)

ЗЕ:  Елиїв, Зенон.  Двадцять Кіп Писанок (Sixty Score of Easter Eggs) Rochester, NY: 1994

ВП:  Лаворик, О.  Волинська Писанка (The Volynian Pysanka)   Рівне:  «Середовище» (a set of

         loose sheets with traditional designs)

УП:  Штанко, Катерина.  Українська Пошта: Писанки (Ukrainian Post souvenir sheet: Pysanky, a

         set of six pysanka stamps) Ukraine: 2000

ОС:  Соломченко О.  Писанки Українських Карпат (Pysanky of the Ukrainian Carpathians)

         Ужгород: «Карпати», 2002

ВМ:  Манько, Віра.  Українська Народна Писанка (The Ukrainian Folk Pysanka)  Львів: «Свічадо»,


ЕБ:  Сітко, Сергій (editor).  Світ Української Писанки (The World of the Ukrainian Pysanka) Київ:

         Кондор, 2005  (The life and pysanky of Erast Binyashevsky)

СП:  Павлюк, Степан та Роман Чмелик.  Скарби Музею Етнографії то Хидожнього Промислу

         (Treasures of the Museum of Ethnography, Arts and Crafts)  Львів:  НАН України, 2005

ЛВ:  Wolynets, Lubov K.  The Tree of Life, the Sun, the Goddess: Symbolic Motifs in Ukrainian Folk

         Art  New York: The Ukrainian Museum, 2005

ТОК:  Коновал, Т.О.  Писанкова Абетка (Pysanka Alphabet)  Київ: «Світ Успіху», 2007

ОБ:  Білоус, Оксана та Зоя Сташук.  Школа Писанкарсктва  Київ: РВЦ КПДО, 2008

I’ve begun adding these notations to my newer pages. Once I get them sorted out and named, all of the pysanky pictured in the “traditional” section should have a source code (above) attached, should you wish to view the original illustrations.

  Regions        Pysanka Stamps

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My Sources